~~NOTOC~~ ====== Legal Notices, Privacy Policy, and Copyrights ====== ~~NOTOC~~ ===== Bethico League ===== * [[.league:changelog|Change Log]] ===== Bethico Vinyl ===== * [[.vinyl:changelog|Change Log]] ===== Bethico Construction ===== * [[.house:changelog|Change Log]] ====== Change Log ====== === Note: this section is available in English only === The latest features added, changes, and bug fixes appear first in the list. **Nightly Build** is the latest version of the code, when new features, changes, or bug fixes have been done but not yet fully tested with all configurations. You can verify which version of the code is running by opening the **Credits** page, the version identifier is at the bottom of the page. The Credits page is accessible through the copyright link at the bottom of each page. ===== Nightly Build ===== === New features === === Changes === === Bug Fixes === \\ ===== (Build: 2009) ===== === Initial Release ===