~~NOTOC~~ ====== Credits and Copyright ====== ===== Bethico ===== Bethico Digital Audio from Vinyl has been established to provide services for digital audio repair and backup of analog audio material. ===== Credits ====== Concept, Design, Database structure, Website logic and coding. Integration into the Joomla! framework. Data entry, testing, and maintenance. By Bernard Condrau. \\ Translations: German (Bernard Condrau) ===== Copyright notices ===== {{fa>copyright}} 2010 - {{date>%Y}} [[http://www.bethico.com|Bethico]] & [[http://www.condrau.com|Bernard Condrau]]. All Rights Reserved.\\ Design, database structure, all source files, stylesheets, configuration files, and documentation (all this = "the works") are the sole intellectual property of Bernard Condrau ("the author").\\ \\ {{fa>copyright}} 2005 - {{date>%Y}} [[https://www.opensourcematters.org|Open Source Matters, Inc]]. All Rights Reserved.\\ The Joomla! framework, external components and modules, other than the Bethico's specific code, are licensed under the respective license agreements, mostly under GPL Version 3.0.\\ [version]