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en:legal:league:credits [2022/01/16 19:03] bcoen:legal:league:credits [2023/07/27 16:25] (current) – [Copyright notices] bco
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 {{fa>copyright}} 2005 - {{date>%Y}} [[https://www.opensourcematters.org|Open Source Matters, Inc]]. All Rights Reserved.\\ {{fa>copyright}} 2005 - {{date>%Y}} [[https://www.opensourcematters.org|Open Source Matters, Inc]]. All Rights Reserved.\\
-The Joomla! framework, external components and modules, other than the Bethico League Software Suite's specific code, are licensed under the respective license agreements, mostly under GPL Version\\+The Joomla! framework, external components and modules, other than the Bethico League Software Suite's specific code, are licensed under the respective license agreements, mostly under GPL Version 3.0.\\
 ===== Other copyrights ===== ===== Other copyrights =====